
Amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it can be hard to lose sight of what’s truly important.

God.  People.  Relationships.  Love.

Isn’t it interesting that a holiday season technically focused on gratitude and peace on earth could be so cluttered up with things that, while fun, are not what’s most important?

Would you like to reconnect with what’s really important?

Would you like to find a way to reach out to others?

Would you like to reconnect with God?

Then, “LIGHT THE WORLD!!!!  In 25 Ways.  Over 25 Days”.

From mormon.org:
During Christmas, we are reminded that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. This year, we have an amazing opportunity to share that light by resolving to do the things Jesus Christ did. Every day leading up to Christmas, we will focus on a different Christ-like behavior and provide suggestions for ways we can emulate His example. You’re encouraged to participate using the outline below as you plan your Christmas activities.




It’s so easy.  Print off the calendar (from here or from mormon.org). Just take a little time each day and choose an activity (either one listed on the chart or do your own thing!) that celebrates and demonstrates the Christ-like character focus of the day. 

Will you?  Will you take a few moments and make this spiritual connection to feel more love, gratitude, peace, and joy this holiday season as we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world?


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