Conference Nuggets


Wow.  We haven’t posted one of these in a while, so quickly before the morning session of Conference comes on, I am going to share a few thoughts that I get from watching or listening to our Church leaders twice a year.

  • Simplify your approach to Discipleship.  Start where you are.
  • Our individual missions in life started way before we ever came to this earth.
  • I am a child of God.  Therefore, what?
  • No matter where we are, we are the Lord’s agents.  We are always on His errand.
  • We are not always aware of what the Lord’s sacrifice has done for us.
  • Referring to trials/challenges: It is our load.  Bearing it is necessary on our path to eternal life.  Don’t expect to carry it alone.  Seek help.
  • We were tutored in the pre-existence and were given trials and challenges unique to us.
  • For the women of the Church:  Relax and rejoice in our differences and sisterhood.  We need deep, meaningful relationships with each other.
  • Learn to recognize the power of the Atonement in your life
  • The Lord sees weaknesses differently than he does rebellion.
  • You must become the rock the river cannot wash away.
  • Challenges:  some have to be solved, some have to be endured.

Okay!  These were just some that stood out to me from notes I have taken over the past couple of years.  I hope some of them have meaning to you and will help you in your journey.  I am happy to share them and have been strengthened by reading over them again.

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