Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

strawberry rhubarb pie
Well, I was going through doing some edits on posts and found this in Drafts.  I don’t know how it got there, but it was supposed to have been published in July 2015.  This is obviously not the season for rhubarb but I am releasing it for your future enjoyment!
I have collected so many recipes over the years, but the ones I have kept the longest were from college–from  roommates or classes or church homemaking activities.  This is a favorite every time I make it–which isn’t often enough.  Everyone raves about it.  I had never even heard of rhubarb until Mom Metzger made it for Sunday dessert when I went home with my roommate, Cindy, over break.  I was like, “That looks like celery, but it’s red.  Is it a fruit or a vegetable?” (that’s probably not what I actually said.  It was 1980.  Who remembers?)  Whatever…it was amazing.  I made the pie a few days ago and decided I needed to know what kind of food this was.  Check out the collage below for the answer.
strawberry rhubarb collage
Source: Cindy Wilson’s Mom in Buhl, Idaho, 1980.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
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  1. 1 qt. rhubarb, cut up into 1/2″ little chunks
  2. 3/4 – 1 cup sugar
  3. 1/2 t. cinnamon
  4. 1/4 cup tapioca
  5. 3-oz. strawberry Jell-O
  6. about 1/4 – 1/2 cup of water
  1. Mix everything but the Jell-O together in a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the Jell-O and stir to evenly combine.
  3. Pour into prepared pie crust. Dot with butter, if desired.
  4. Place top crust over pie and flute the edges to seal.
  5. Cut slits in top crust to vent.
  6. Bake 40 minutes at 425 F.
  7. Cool in refrigerator.
  1. The filling may boil over a bit so be sure to have something under your pie to catch any drippings.
Mormon Mavens



  1. anna says:

    We had a similar introduction to rhubarb! I am from NC and was in Idaho when I first experienced it! There is a link to my pie crust recipe in step 3. Enjoy!

  2. L.C. says:

    What crust recipe did you use? I just had rhubarb for the first time while I was visiting in ID this summer. I'm for SC and it was a new experience for me. I liked it and am willing to give this pie a try, but I'll need a good crust. Thanks for the recipe!

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