Cookbook Nook: THRIVE Cookbook

How many of you are overly-whelmed when you think about purchasing/organizing/rotating/eating your food storage?  I am.  Believe me.  I have purchased several books, including Food Storage for the Clueless, in an attempt to get up-close and personal with my preparedness and really get my head around it.  Well…still working on that.  However, I have found a few ways to help ME.  One is, I got on the Q program with Shelf Reliance’s THRIVE foods.  I get an automatic shipment each month and they figure out what I need and just ship it.  Anyway, you can find out more about that HERE.  I recently ordered their new cookbook which is fully titled “THRIVE Cookbook: Food That Fits Your Lifestyle.”  I like the sound of that don’t you?
  I have only used a couple of the recipes so far, but we like them!  They taste good.  They taste normal.  I am looking forward to preparing many more dishes from this book and using…yes food storage. 


(For Cooking Channel fans, Kelsey Nixon is very involved with THRIVE foods and has included several signature recipes in this book.)

Cookbook Nook: Worldwide Ward Cookbook

I had been eyeing this cookbook for quite a while when I finally broke down and bought it this summer.  I figured, “Hey, I started a recipe blog so I ‘need’ this for ‘research’!”  <ahem>  Yeah, anyway, one of the reasons I really like it is because it’s a compilation of favorite recipes from LDS sisters around the world.  I always love getting people’s favorite recipes–you know they’re tried and true.  I also like that with some of the recipes there are little personal tidbits from the recipe contributor, along with occasional personal photos.  Somehow it really does seem like it IS your world’s ward cookbook.

I love the colors and decor of this book….so spring-like, vibrant, alive.

Inside cover shows the fun colors.  Table of Contents (notice a category just for Prophets….favorite dishes from some of our latter-day prophets.)

Above, an example of one of the recipe category divider pages and a full page recipe photo.  Mmmmm…..brownies.  And speaking of drool……

I am a Carrot Cake Fanatic (and snob) so I am definitely trying this recipe to see if it  REALLY is the best Carrot Cake ever (cuz if it is, that’s one more item off my bucket list)

I’m a sucker for Cinnamon Rolls!
This book is 327 pages of mouth-watering recipes (well, maybe not the Hot Dog Casserole but we’ll see since I’m trying that for lunch today….figured it might be a kid-pleaser).  I paid full price for mine with no regrets, but you can get them on Amazon used for as low as $14.95 (as of this posting).

I’ll be sharing several recipe out of this book in the coming weeks and months, so be on the lookout!

Cookbook Nook: The Ice Cream Deck

Welcome to the first edition of Cookbook Nook, where we give you a sneak peek into some of our favorite cookbooks.  If you’re like me, you love to order books online but hate to do so without being able to at least glance inside.

Today I’d like to give you a peak into an ice cream cookbook…uh…cook box…uh…neat little box of recipe cards.  Yeah, that’s it.  It’s called The Ice Cream Deck:  25 Recipes for Homemade Ice Creams and Frosty Treats.

I got it on clearance at Deseret Book recently.  It was hard to pass up at just $4.  It was shrink-wrapped, but I figured for four bucks I could chance not seeing inside.  It’s such a cute little thing, I just had to share.

Awww….see?  Isn’t it cute?

When you open the box, you see it’s filled with recipe cards.  

Beautiful recipe cards with a lovely photo on the outside.  There’s also an Introduction card with tips and tricks for making the best homemade ice cream.

Open the recipe card to see a beautiful list of ingredients and instructions.

 Here are a few cards that are lined up for me to try as soon as possible.  I’m especially excited to try to ice cream truffles!

This lovely little gem of a “cookbook” is published by Chronicle Books.    As of this posting there is a Kindle version on Amazon for $8.79.  But honestly, I’d rather have the real thing.  ‘Cuz really, sometimes I take the cards out just so I can look at them!

Okay, who’s ready for ice cream?!?