Jezebel Sauce

This was a very popular post from December 17,2015, especially during the holiday season and into the New Year.  Anna served it as part of her Christmas Eve meal appetizer offering this year.  Just can’t tell you how good this is so you will have to experience it for yourself.

Don’t be afraid of the horseradish!  It’s a subtle kick and the sweetness of the preserves and marmalade pair well with it.

I must apologize for the size of the cream cheese block on the image.  Someone–who shall remain nameless–decided to cut a chunk off for their bagel one morning.  Although the whipped cream cheese container was RIGHT NEXT TO IT.  Just sayin’.  I really need to label my blog recipe ingredients or something.

And a shout out for holding on to your Mom’s wedding china. This is served on a salad plate from her pattern.  I have this and a bread plate.  I try to use these treasured pieces from Mom, and from my grandmothers, to honor their memory and their homemaking.

Jezebel Sauce
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  1. 18-oz. jar of pineapple preserves
  2. 18-oz. jar of apricot preserves
  3. 1/2 cup orange marmalade
  4. 3.5-oz. jar of prepared horseradish
  5. 1 tablespoon dry mustard
  6. 8-oz. pkg. of cream cheese (I use the lower fat Neufchatel version)
  1. Combine all ingredients and store in refrigerator. This will keep well for about 2 weeks. Makes about 3 cups of sauce.
  2. To serve, pour over cream cheese and serve with snack crackers, or use your imagination! But it’s really good on cream cheese. I bet it would be great on a cream cheese bagel.
Adapted from Paula Deen
Adapted from Paula Deen
Mormon Mavens

Chocolate Fondue



I recently returned from a wonderful river cruise in Europe with my husband and my parents.  We had a wonderful time!  Our first stop before boarding the boat was Lucerne, Switzerland.  Chocolate everywhere!  My kind of place.  We had lunch one day at a little restaurant on a side street….a fondue house.  We grabbed a table outside and checked out the menu.  We had every intention of having cheese fondue but when we saw the prices (holy cheese!) we quickly decided on the cheapest fondue item for our meal:  chocolate fondue (and that was still really expensive).  

It. was. uh. mazing.  (That’s my hubby in the pic above, enjoying a tasty chocolate lunch in the heart of Lucerne.)  Then we found out it was nothing more than melted chocolate bars and cream.  What?!?  I knew as soon as we got home I had to try this with the kids.  So we did.  And it tasted exactly the same!  Well, until our makeshift fondue pot exploded.  Yeah, that wasn’t as tasty.  The next time we made it we didn’t worry about having it on a flame.  It didn’t stay in the bowl long enough to harden up anyway….we ate it too fast!
6 small Toblerone bars
heavy cream, about 1/2 cup to start
1.  Unwrap the bars of chocolate, break them up, and place the pieces in a saucepan with the cream.  
2.  Stir while it melts and remove from heat when the mixture is smooth.  Add more cream to get your preferred consistency for dipping.
3.  Serve with cut up fruit, pretzels, cubed pound cake, etc.  My personal favorites are strawberries and fresh pineapple.
You can use any combination of Toblerone flavors.  We used half-yellow packaged bar, half blue-packaged bar (I believe those are the technical terms).  My local grocery store carries those as well as a dark chocolate and a white chocolate.  Mix and match to your heart’s content!
Originally posted on September 30, 2013.

Sticky Gooey Caramel Corn

We just got an air popcorn popper. You remember those? I hadn’t seen one since I was a kid. We received one for Christmas and IT IS SO FUN! Delightful! It’s the little things in life, you know?

I digress. The recipe, Kara. The recipe.

The name of this recipe is EASY. Quick and easy. Ignore the header. That’s what it’s name *should* be. And kiddos of all ages (even those of “Mature Years”) will love it.

2 bowls of popped popcorn (I use one scoop full of kernels)
1 C butter
2 C Brown Sugar
3/4 – 1 C Light Karo Syrup
Nuts (opt)

1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
2. Add the sugar and syrup. Stir constantly until it begins to bubble.
3. Boil for 1 min. (Continue stirring. You’d hate to burn it!)
4. Remove from heat and pour over the bowls of popcorn.
5. Stir carefully with a wooden spoon until all the popcorn is covered a fair amount. Add the nuts if you are using them.

Serve immediately–that’s the way we like it! You can put it into balls if you wish. Just lay them on wax paper and let them cool.

Source: My long lost friend, Erika Johanson.